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Discover the secrets of our Custom Backing Tracks

Unless you are a professional musician who is used to intricate mixing software, the Karaoke Version Custom Backing Track may be a bit daunting at first. Resembling a professional mixer, this page gives you some of the basic functions of a complete software in an easy-to-use context.

We still receive some specific questions so let's take a minute to address them and to make sure you are getting the most out of the Custom Backing Tracks.

Why use a Custom Backing Track over another version (vocal, guitar, drum...)?

A Custom Backing Track holds lots of benefits. The most obvious is that all individual instrumental tracks (up to 15) are included in the purchase. It also means that mixing and matching the song exactly as you choose is possible. Additionally, customizing a track will allow you to structure your practicing, and sing or play as if you were part of a group. Here are some tips when playing along with a backing track.

Can I download the track again and change the mix?

Yes. For any purchased file on Karaoke Version, you can edit and download the track as many times as you would like. For free! To do so, simply login to your account and go to My Files. Click the Change option next to the song you would like to edit and you will again be redirected to the song page and the mixer. Here’s a video that explains mixing process.

How many Custom Backing Tracks exist?

Our catalog constitutes 61,000 Custom Backing Tracks. Our team works on a daily basis to update the catalog with any improve and new songs.

Can I download all separated tracks at once?

Separating all tracks and downloading them in one fell swoop is not possible. To get all tracks individually, you must first separate the desired track and then download one at a time. Remember that downloading and mixing as much as you want is completely free!

Why do I only hear a 30-second preview of my purchased song?

In order to speed up loading times, you will hear only 30 second snippets of each song. The full song is available for listening upon download.

What are the different icons in the mixer?

  • Megaphone - Mute - Listen to all tracks except the one selected.
  • L-C-R - Pan - Clicking here allows you to create song effects by adjusting L (left), C (center) or R (right). This is also useful for drummers who play in a group and need to hear the click track.
  • S - Solo - Listen to the selected track only.

What are presets?

These allow you to mix all tracks of a particular family with one click. For example, clicking on a guitar preset will give you the option to mute all guitars.

Still have a question? Leave us a comment below and we will be happy to help.

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  • 4 years ago
      FWIW, I think you should have an option to download each instrument, vocal and click track as an individual MP3's in a single downloaded .zip file (compressed). I would be very willing to pay additional $$ to have those tracks broken out in this way. It would save lots of time if we could then load those up into our multi-track or DAW for post processing (tempo, pitch, mods etc..)
    • 5 years ago
        are these live musicians on backing tracks? Real drums, etc? thanks
      • 5 years ago
          Can you change the click track from say 1/4 notes to 1/16 notes?
        • 5 years ago
            Can you make it where you can change to any key?? It only lets you change 1 whole step either way.
          • 5 years ago
              As a drummer and lead vocalist I've been playing with the same group of guys for 30+ years. I use KV for practice learning new material. I also play guitar but not with the band. I find that learning guitar & drum parts very easy I wish the other guys in the band would use it that would make it easier to put songs together when we rehearse. A drummer friend introduced KV to me and I'm grateful he did.
            • 5 years ago
                I would like for your 30 second review to include the intro. For some songs I need a intro click and some I don't. joelledunn4's suggestion would be helpful in this regard.
              • 5 years ago
                  Can you make the ability to hear a section of the song variable? I know for copying purposes you need to keep the sections small. But if you could let us move that section to hear certain sections that would be helpful for preview. Sometimes Your choice of where the preview is isn’t exactly where I need to hear it before buying.
                • 5 years ago
                    I use backing tracks and mixing one at a time you can get different instuments in each track to mix the song you like i enjoy miixing tracks ...thank you fern
                  • 5 years ago
                      Very pleased with the flexibility and reasonable pricing on the custom back tracks -- thank you for a great service! You can add me to the list who would like to see the ability to download the entire song as a single download, perhaps a zipped file. (Which I often use to send copies of my DAW projects to a different computer on my home network.) @hrtnsol3 -- My experience is that it's usually very easy to create a custom track without the vocals. Explore the interface a little further!
                    • 5 years ago
                        could it be possible to make the tracks in MIDI as well? In that case the arrangement can be modified , pitch shifted etc?
                      • 5 years ago
                          I've used these tracks for a few years. I too download all tracks individually and create a folder that I can plunder at will. The only thing I criticise is backing vocals tracks, but I quite understand the expense involved in using individual live voices and providing individual tracks . I would pay for that though. I often create my own but one voice singing all the parts is not the same as 3 different voices
                        • 5 years ago
                            Can you please give us the option of downloading the tracks as a wave file instead of the low Quality MP3,Love the tracks let’s get better downloading quality
                          • 5 years ago
                              Your Service Is Awesome .Lots Of Great Tracks ..Be Glad When You Get To My Request For New Titles Rock On Team :)
                            • 5 years ago
                                Can you make a custom track a karaoke video from your downloads
                              • 5 years ago
                                  Thanks for the great work Karaoke Version Team! I would ask the same like many others I guess, the feature of downloading all separate tracks at once. It's boring and tedious to do one by one... Cheers!
                                • 5 years ago
                                    Why don't you carry more Christian music?
                                  • 5 years ago
                                      Often your 30 second preview is not enough to cover the entire range of the song, making it difficult to determine if the key of the song will fit my voice.
                                    • 5 years ago
                                        I use your custom backing tracks by downloading them one track at a time and then cutting and pasting and rearranging using a DAW to mix and produce. By adding my own music, I have a unique backing track. Great service that you provide! Keep up the good work!
                                      • 5 years ago
                                          Keep it up guys. Lots of bands using it for backing track help at practice etc... so useful!
                                        • 5 years ago
                                            It would be great if we could have the lyrics with the custom backing tracks.....
                                          • 5 years ago
                                              keep up the great work
                                            • 5 years ago
                                                I have a ton of your tracks that I purchased...but a lot are to bass heavy. Or the bass guitar needs to be eq'd brighter.I will mix with bass at 80% and lately remixing down to 40 or 50 %.
                                              • 5 years ago
                                                  very good thanks
                                                • 5 years ago
                                                    Can you upload versions of the tracks without effect like reverd, compression and so on. I like to mix the the tracks in my own daw.
                                                  • 5 years ago
                                                      Can I create a drum solo by myself and save it ?
                                                    • 5 years ago
                                                        I love using your tracks. I have bought probably a few hundred. The only complaint I would have is that I wish you would use separate tracks for the different harmony vocals and the lead vocal.
                                                      • 5 years ago
                                                          It would be great to be able to transpose lower than Only one tone. With Riff Station you can transpose nearly three tones before it starts to sound weird. Plus you can speed up tempo or slow it down.
                                                        • 5 years ago
                                                            I am interested in custom backing tracks that eliminates the singer voice.
                                                          • 5 years ago
                                                              Will there be an upgrade in the future where multiple individual tracks will be downloadable at the same time? I love the backing tracks and they are great for band practice if one person does not show up.