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Want to suggest a song? Here's the need-to-know!

On a daily basis Karaoke Version gets loads of requests to produce new songs. We do our best to bring you exactly what you are looking for and to date, we’ve been able to fulfil over 76,000 of those requests! But what is the process? How are requests chosen and which are produced first?

Here is everything you need to know about requesting a song on Karaoke Version.

How do I request a song?

Simple, request it on our suggestions page. By doing so, you’ll open it up to other Karaoke Version users to cast their vote for it. This will also sign you up to be notified by email when it does become available.

What happens with the requests?

Each request is counted as a vote. The songs that receive the most votes are produced in priority.

How do I know where my song ranks in number of votes?

You’ll see the songs ranked in order of votes on the song suggestion page.

What if the song has already been requested?

Add your vote! The more votes the more likely the song will be produced by our studios !

What if only one version exists?

If only the Vocal Backing Track exists and you are wanting the Custom Backing Track or the karaoke version, you’ll notice a yellow box on the song page titled “Request…” By clicking here, you’ve just added your vote and signed up to be alerted by email when the song is produced.

How do I know when a song becomes available?

If you’ve added your vote or activated an alert, you will receive an email with a link to the song page to get it when it becomes available. Otherwise, you can keep track of our production calendar and follow the songs that are in production and those that have recently been completed. For information, you can also follow the songs you voted for on the My Votes page and even sign up to follow an artist and be alerted when any of the artist's songs become available.

How long does it take for a song to be produced?

Production time depends on many factors (the complexity of the original version, number of instruments, season and timing like Christmas etc.). On average this takes four to eight weeks. Please be patient and rest assured that we are doing our best to provide you with your requests as soon as possible.

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  • 5 years ago
      Hey guys love what you do. I'm a 40 year old man, I've no band anymore, living in the canaries ive bought over 400 songs from you guys and many more will be bought, merci, Noel Gallagher acoustic, High Flying birds and all his acoustic versions of Oasis songs are keeping us blokes of a certain age honest tonight would be a good one thanks so much guys woudn't be working without you folk, Dale
    • 7 years ago
        Hey tangaray7996 !!! Thanx for putting in a good word for jazz - smooth or standard. How about Dave Brubeck's "Strange Meadowlark" as sung by Carmen McRae or "On the Boulevard" by the Manhattan Transfer?? Doubt if these will ever show. Keep swingin'. Maybe the world will get back to some decent vocals. Dave1an2an
      • 7 years ago
        • 7 years ago
            More contemporary christian music please.
          • 7 years ago
              I think that I have made some good song suggestions if anyone has seen them and know the songs. I agree with misty0770, Postmodern Jukebox is getting way over rated, never heard of them either. also how many Elvis Presley songs do we really need? I know it's a slow process and I think you guys are doing a fine job. I also know that this is a business where you are trying to please everyone, but you can't. hope my suggestions will be out soon (Lou Reed David & David Red Rockers etc, etc.)
            • 7 years ago
                I love your big band renditions and if you ever get around to creating Frank Sinatra's (Mrs. Robinson) I will be in my element! Keep up the great work. P.s I have voted for it.
              • 7 years ago
                  Yes, this rating and voting system works great with songs that are current and trending in social media and circles, but what about hits from over ten years ago? This is where things fall apart. I understand that the drive to produce new music has to be controlled by the economy and therefore the profit the songs produced will generate, but there are a lot of us looking for older hits by no.1 bands and musicians that are left by the wayside. IE, Garth Brooks, Cold Shoulder. Still waiting.
                • 7 years ago
                    You have done a couple of songs i've requested & they've been great.But i've put in a few now all massive hits in Europe & the UK.I've been to your site & been disappointed with whats being turned out.Its ok if you've heard of Postmodern Jukebox theres about 10 pages.(don't know anyone who has heard of them)But Leo Sayer,Nazereth,Limmie & The Family Cooking & many more huge stars are just ignored.Sorry used to love this site very rarely use it now.Very Disappointed.
                  • 7 years ago
                      When will you guy have smooth jazz available for us jazz musicians