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New : change the pitch of your backing tracks for instruments!

As an extension to our last update offering live pitch for Custom Backing Tracks, we are happy to release the pitch for our backing tracks for instruments.

Your favorite song is in G#? Make it an A or a F in just a click! Handy if you want to sing along and play (or just play with a different scale).

This update is obviously available for all the tracks you've already purchased, and all the future ones you will.

Have fun!

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  • 9 years ago
      Download Puffin to circumvent the lack of ability to use flahplayer on fine for customizable tracks
    • 9 years ago
        Can I change the pitch of a song more than +2 or -2 in the event that even the pitch change is still too high or low?
      • 9 years ago
          Yes that's true, it does slow it down when making pitch lower, so tempo change would be a great feature and something that nobody I know has got from other sources.....except midi file players like Roland from years ago. I'm very happy with the backing tracks I have bought now that I have worked out how to save them.
        • 9 years ago
            My argument (and it might be just me) for changing the pitch down is that it can sometimes sound a bit off or slower just a bit so being able to adjust the tempo might prove helpful. I guest this could also be done in Audacity as well if needed.
          • 9 years ago
              Are you going to be adding tempo change?
            • 9 years ago
                This has been a good idea to change keys to suit a person's taste I have been uring it a lot. Thanks for the innovation, it is great. Louis Armentaro
              • 9 years ago
                  Thanks for making this improvement. Some of the tunes I purchased do not provide the ability to change the individual instruments. Is it your goal to gradually add this feature to all of your tunes? Thanks.
                • 9 years ago
                    A Fantastic Idea helps you find the key / pitch most suited for you GREAT Addition
                  • 10 years ago
                      YES, YES, YES!!!! CONGRATULATIONS on such a brilliant initiative! This well enable me to use so many more of your tracks that I was reluctant to download because of the high range. Expect a surge in business!!! many thanks, again, JOHN C.
                    • 10 years ago
                        Now we can hear the different key in the custom backing track!
                      • 10 years ago
                          how can i reduce the piece of music in time? I want it to start at 2:16 end at 3:18, in a song that runs 4 minutes.
                        • 10 years ago
                            Why can't my iPad customize your backtracks or add them to shopping cart. Is it because it does not run Flashplayer?